Friday, 10 January 2014


I can finally dive in provincials!!!! I am so excited !!  I will put what it would be in dive numbers at the end of each dive. my dive list is: Hurdle front dive pike(101b) back dive tuck(201c) inward dive tuck(401c) reverse dive tuck(301c) and front one and a half tuck(103c) and I can only dive 3 meter so this is my 3 meter list.
I am so excited!!!!
(I got the picture on the top from my groups FRASER VALLEY)


  1. Super exciting!!! Make sure you let us know when you dive so we can come and cheer you on!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry auntie Jen I didn't respond fast enough but it was on saturday at 4:00 in vancouver aquatic centre. Sorry I'll be sure to let you know next time. You could to the one in victoria:)!!!

  4. you could come to the one in victoria in 2 weeks
