Saturday, 22 November 2014

My Art Shop!

Link to my blog for my new art shop:

And to my Etsy art shop:

Please check them out!


This November I am trying to do NaNoWriMo!

What NaNoWriMo stands for:

National Novel Writing Month

What NaNoWriMo is:

NaNo is a month where you:

1. Set a word count goal and try to write that many words in a month. My goal is 25,000 words, and I'm not that close to making it right now!

2. Try to complete a full novel in a month! I am currently on Chapter 10.

The book I am writing for NaNo:

Dream Haunters

Here is the summary:

Emily Williams is a normal teenage girl. Until her dreams start getting haunted by the Dream Haunters.

The Dream Haunters haunt your dreams and turn them In to nightmares. They're not oridinary people either. They have a ghost trait in them, and will do anything to make you go insane.

 How will Emily get her dreams back? Or better yet, how will she survive?

And here is the Prologue:

I run through the streets of London. I stop. Monsters everywhere. 'Help.' I scream. 'Help.' A skeleton with a long black cape walks up to me. 'Time to die,' he whispers. He lifts up his dagger and pulls it down in to-
I awake with a start, my heart pumping and my mouth, well, screaming. But no-one comes  to comfort me, except my younger sister. "Whats wrong, Boo." My nick-name, Boo. I love it. Its so adorable. I whisper, "Nothings wrong, Cupcake." We both laugh. Lacey, my younger sister, simply adores her nickname. Then her face is serious again, and we stop laughing. "Then why were you screaming?" she rubs her eyes and lie's her head on my shoulder. I stare in to her beautiful sapphire blue eyes. There shining, gleaming. There so beautiful. "I guess I just have problems, don't I?" I say, and Nia smiles. She hugs me.
"I don't think you have problems."
"Why, thank you," I hop off my bed and hold out my arm to catch Lacey as she jumps off the bed. I catch her in my arms and cradle her back and forth. "Now, lets get ready for school."
"Yeah!" she shrieks, and runs off to her bedroom. Lacey loves school. And it is true that it is more fun home-schooling. Yes, me and Lacey home-school. Yes, our Mum teaches us, Our happy and cheerful Mum- who is quite weird and crazy at times- teaches us, and she makes it quite interesting for Lacey to I to learn. And maybe even fun. 
Once Lacey and I are done getting ready for school, I give her a piggyback down the stairs and in to the 'Schoolroom' otherwise known as the living room. Mum is there looking messy and cheerful as always. "Hi, girls!" she exclaims. "How are you?" I roll my eyes. This is a ridiculous question that she ask every morning. Like, what could've we done in the last 14 hours? I answer still, though. "Good, Mum." And Lacey's high voice echos mine. "I'm good, Mummy!" Mum pinches Lacey's nose and Lacey giggles. "Why that's splendid, my dear." 
"So, Mum, what we learing today?" I ask. My cat, Eshter, rubs her head against my leg. I pet Eshter in return. My Mum pulls her round spectacles off her head and starts to clean them with her shirt. "Today, I'm going to tell you some stories," she says. "About dragons and faeries. And Dream Haunters."
"Dream Haunters?" Lacey tilts her head to the side. "I've never hear of Dream Haunters."
"And why are we jjust going to listen to silly stories all day?" I sigh. "I actully want to learn something." Esther seats herself in my lap.
"And you will. YAbout dragons, and faeries, and Dream Haunters," says Mum. "Once upon a time..."
"M-ooo-m..." I groan.
"There was a good Queen named Eshter," Mumu starts, but is quickly interrupted by Lacey. "Eshter like Emily's cat!" she shrieks. "Esther like Emily's cat." answers Mum. "Anyway, back to the story. There was good Queen named Eshter. And there was also a bad Queen named Vivian. These Queens fought with each other. There Kingdoms were suffering and dying because of this feud-" Mum was cut off by Lacey. 
"Whats a feud?" 
"A war, dear."
"Okay, where was I? Oh, yes! There Kingdoms were suffering and dying because of this feud. So Vivian came up with a cruel plan to end this war. She made a team of mind readers and people who could tell you what your dream meant, and she called this team 'The Dream Haunters'. So, one dark and stormy night, the Dream Haunters snuck in to Esther's brain using there magic and-" I groan. "What is it, Emily?"
"This story is boring." I pet Esther's head.
"Just listen." Mum continues. "Using there magic they haunted Eshter's brain, and made her have nightmares. Terrible, terrible nightmares. Eshter explained her dreams like this:
She would be walking down the streets of London, that is where she lived, and then would be surrounded by monsters, and one monster, a skeleton to be excact, woul hold a dagger and walk up to her, and when it was about to stab her, she would wake up." I suddenly gasp, remembering the dream i had the night before. The excact same dream. Or rather, nightmare. Mum continues, not noticing me gasping for air, "Queen Esther died because of loss of sleep and fear. The legend is that the Dream Haunters are still out there, haunting peoples dreams." Lacey shivers and Mum wraps her in a hug. "Mummy, do you think I will get haunted by the Dream Haunters?" I can see a small tear in Lacey's sapphire blue eye. "No, I don't think you'll be haunted by Dream Haunters, dear," says Mum, trying to comfort Lacey. "I'll be right here to protect you."             
I start running up the stairs to my bedroom. I have to learn more about this. I don't think its true. No! I can;t think its true! Just a myth. A fairytale. 
I think I might be haunted by Dream Haunters.

Will post the book when its complete!


This week at diving I did a front double of the 1 meter! It was really fun!

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Drawing Of Elsa From Frozen

This is a drawing of Elsa from Frozen I made on my art table I'm my own stylet:
Original Elsa:
Wasn't trying to copy this photo my drawing just turned out like that:)
Getting better everyday...

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Another Story: Never Give Up

 “Never give up.” My mom used to say. I had tried to listen to that, I had never ever given up before, but now I was at the break of giving up. Whatever I did I couldn’t find them anywhere. “Where are they?” I ask the sky impatiently even though I knew it wouldn’t respond. I walked alone back to the orphanage thinking about when my family was together. I can remember when I was 11 and the accident happened. My mom had a big belly with my little sister in it. I had never seen my little sister before and I don’t know if she survived. I don’t know if anybody survived it except me. I remember seeing red and orange and yellow. My hero, otherwise known as my older brother Carter had pushed me aside when the wall fell. I didn’t see what happened to him I just kept running. But now I feel guilty I didn’t check on him, he saved my life! I walk through the orphanage doors. Mrs. Pemberly was at the counter as usual “Did you find them today?” she asks me “No.” I say back “Emma, I think it’s ridiculous that you search for them every day. About 35 people survived the earthquake fire. Your lucky you came out with such little injury.” Mrs. Pemberly says trying to convince me to give up “So your saying that there dead? ‘Cause if you are your wrong.” I say not exactly knowing if thats actually true “I’m just trying to help you Emma.” Mrs. Pemberly tells me “Your not helping me. Your telling me to give up.” I say in my strongest voice and then I walk upstairs to my room. As I am walking I ask myself, should I give up?
can’t sleep. I don’t know if I should give up or keep looking. Maybe Mrs. Pemberly was right, I should give up. Anastasia, my friend is sound asleep in the other bed. I shift my body to look at the desk with the picture of me, my mom and my grandma. The picture was taken when I was a baby. I had picked it up when I was running out of the house in the fire. I didn’t want to let it burn in the fire ‘cause it was my only picture of when I was a baby and the only picture I could remember my mom and grandma from. I have taken a habit to staring at it when I can’t sleep, it comforts me. I gently lift the picture from its place and hold it at my chest “I love you.” I whisper and then I fall asleep.
I wake up to my annoying alarm clock, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. I push the sleep button on the alarm clock and then everything is silent again. I sit myself up and look at the bed across the room, Anastasia wasn’t in the bed. “Thats weird, Anastasia usually wakes up after me” I mutter to myself. I shrug it off and get ready for school. I quickly grab a grey long sleeve shirt and some mini shorts and then rush in to the bathroom and get changed. Then I go downstairs to the cafeteria where all the orphans are eating. I get a tray. I get some cereal and sit down next to Anastasia. “You woke up early.” I whisper to Anastasia “Why?” “You didn’t hear the little girls running down the hall?” she asks “No.” I answer “Thats why I woke up early.” she says. I finish my cereal then go back upstairs and brush my teeth. I go in to my room and grab my backpack. I rush down the stairs and wave to Mrs. Pemberly and then I rush to the bus stop. “I should of grabbed a sweater.” I groan to myself. The clouds are grey and it looks like its about to rain. I shiver and then groan some more. I can tell everybody’s looking at me even though I can’t see there eyes. They probably think I’m crazy for wearing shorts. The bus finally pulls in at 7:23 and then makes a couple stops. I grab my I-pod and my earplugs I saved up my own money to buy and listen to music for the bus trip. I get to the school at 7:56, 4 minutes before school starts. I walk to the class and walk in to the warm room. I plop my back pack on to the desk and wait for school to start.
School started. History was my first subject. History is with Mr. Archer and is always really boring. Next is science, then lunch. I walk in to the cafeteria and sit down in a deserted table in the corner of the room. I sit down at the table and grab my PB sandwich out of my bag. I eat quickly so I won’t be late for the math. I finish up my sandwich and get up and start my way to math. At math, Miss Chantaz welcomes me with a “Hello, Emma!” “Hi.” I quietly say back. Miss Chantaz is always overly happy. Miss Chantaz lessons aren’t that boring, but I despise math. As class starts I start to day dream. Mom appears in my day dream and says “Never give up, Emma.” I look at her and start to weep “Mom, your alive.” I say, my mom shakes her head and says “No, Emma. I am just hear to give you advice on what to do next. I am just a dream.” I weep some more “You cant be a dream, your standing right hear, mom.” I say. She looks at me and says “Never give up.” And the she disappears. I feel something shaking me and then I wake up, Miss Chantaz was the one shaking me. “Here you go, Emma.” Miss Chantaz says and drops a piece of paper on my desk and I identify it closely “Pop quiz.” I mumble. “Okay. Everyone has 30 minutes to finish the test. And start!” Miss Chantaz says. The class silences in concentration. I look at my piece of paper and groan, I am totally going to fail this test
I walk back to the orphanage with Anastasia, we don’t say a word. “Back early?” Mrs. Pemberly says, Anastasia and I stay silent “What happened, girls?” Mrs. Pemberly tries again. Anastasia looks at me, I nod “A...a kid...” Anastasia starts “Fell on the play ground and...” I try to finish “Really hurt her self, but she’s fine.” Anastasia says quickly so I wont have to explain what really happened “Then why are you home early if the she’s fine?” Mrs. Pemberly asks “Because they just want to make sure she’s okay and doesn’t need to go to the hospital or something .” I say and then head toward the stairs to avoid anymore conversation about the subject. Anastasia and I walk upstairs together, both of us are as pale as snow. We walk in to our room and I put my bag in the closet. I look at Anastasia “It was really scary watching it happen.” I say. Somebody at school fell off the monkey bars and had to go to the hospital, so everybody got sent home early so they could get her to the hospital quickly. “What you going to do with your spare time? Oh, never mind. Your going to try to find your family.” Anastasia says with a little giggle at the end “Its not funny.” I say looking at the picture of my mom and grandma and me “I really think I’m going to find them.” I remember the day dream I had at school “My mom always told me to never give up, so I won’t.” “Well, at least you knew your parents. I’ve never met mine.” Anastasia says “What was your family like?” “They were nice...And kind” I add “I miss them a lot.” “I would too if I knew my family.” Anastasia says trying to comfort me. I stand up and look at Anastasia “See you tonight.” I say “Wait... I will come with you.” Anastasia says “Really?” I ask confused “Really.” Anastasia says, then Anastasia stands up and grabs a sweater from the closet “Maybe my family is with yours.” Anastasia says. Then Anastasia and I run out the door to search for our families.

Another Story: "Imagine It"

“Roll it!” Mayrn shrieked with excitement.
Jane hold the dice in her sweaty palms “Four, four, four.” she whispered. 
Jane rolled the dice, it rolled on to a corner then falled on four.
“I win!” Jane shouted.
“Yeah!” Mayrn shrieked “Yeah!”
Jane and Mayrn’s parents smiled “Good job, Jane. Time for bed now.” their mom said.
“But, mom...” Jane said.
“Jane, its late. John, will you take Mayrn to their room?” their mom said.
“Yes, ma’am. Come here, Mayrn.” their dad, John, said.
Mayrn giggles “You can’t catch me, daddy.”
“Oh, yes I can.” John said, grabbing Mayrn and flinging her in to the air.
“Good night, mommy.” Mayrn yawned.
“Good night, dear.” their mom said, then John took Mayrn upstairs.
“Love you ,mom.” Jane said starting up the stairs with the game.
“Just wait a moment, dear.” their mom said.
“What?” Jane huffed impatiently.
“I- I have a new character for the game.” their mom said holding out a poster board character.
“Thanks, mom!” Jane said taking the poster board character.
“Your welcome, dear.” their mom said.
Jane runs upstairs with the game and character. Their mom scolds herself, she hadn’t told Jane what she needed to.
Jane, in her bed with the game, carefully lifted the lid off of the game box and gently puts the character, Power Wizard, that mom made in to the box. The game was called “Imagine It” and Jane had made it up herself three years a go when she was six. Jane had taken a big piece of poster board and coloured squares twisting around in to the middle of the poster board, then she drew characters and cut them out. The game was simple, you rolled the dice and that is how far you would go. You would try to reach the end of the squares, but there were obstacles to stop you. Jane called it “Imagine It” because you could make up the obstacles you hit and you could draw new characters for it. If you land on a red you move 5 steps back, if you land on a blue or a yellow you’re safe, if you land on a green you move 2 steps forward, if you land on a black you move back 2 steps back and so on.”Imagine It” was Jane’s favourite game. Jane’s family had a tradition that they would play “Imagine It” every Sunday as a family. Jane pulled out the game board and the dice and her favourite character, a fairy. Jane had drawn the fairy when she made the game. The fairy had a purple dress and long,straight, brown hair and Jane called her, Mimi, Mimi Mist. Jane rolled the dice quietly and moved Mimi forward 5 steps.
“Tornado, move back 2 steps.” Jane said.
Jane moved Mimi back two steps when her mom shouted “Bed time, Jane.”
“Fine.” Jane said Grumpily.
Jane put the board, dice and Mimi back in to the box and put the lid on. She put the game in the closet and laid on her bed listening to Mayrn snore. Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
“Did you tell her?” John asked.
“No.” Jane and Mayrn’s mom answered.
“Heather, you need to tell her. Jane’s in trouble if you don’t.” John said.
“I know I do.” their mom, Heather, said. “Good night.”
“Good night.”


Once upon a time, there was a place called Grey city. Grey city was colourless, there was no such thing as colour. Grey city only had shades of grey and black, no purple and blue. People were usually born grumpy and there wasn’t a lot of happiness and celebrations, even when a child was born.
She Is Born
“What shade of grey or black is her hair?” The new baby’s aunt Gerlda asked over the phone. 
“Umm..” The new baby’s mom, Betty, said. 
“Light or dark?” Aunt Gerlda asked. 
“Its...well its...umm.” Betty said. 
“What type of grey or black is it, Betty?” Aunt Gerlda said now impatient.
Betty hanged up the phone and looked at her new baby. She was different.
The phone ranged again. Betty picked it up.
“Light or dark?” Aunt Gerlda said, really angry now.
“Just come over will you?” Betty said. 
“Oh, yes. I will come over.” Aunt Gerlda said and then hanged up the phone.
The new baby’s father, Scott, walked in to the room.
“Where’s Ella?” Scott asked.
“Here.” Betty said holding out her the baby, Ella.
Scott picks her up.
“Oh! You have to hold her neck to, Scott. You’re going to hurt her.” Betty said protectively. Betty takes the baby from Scott’s arms.
“And Gerlda is coming over.” Betty said.
Betty walked to her bedroom and looked in to the mirror on the wall. She stared at herself. She had long dark grey hair and light grey skin. Then she looks at her new baby, Ella. She has not black hair nor grey, she doesn’t exactly know what it is. And Ella’s skin isn’t black or grey either. Betty loves her though, even if she is different.
Scott walks in to the bedroom “Gerlda’s here.” He said, and then walks out of the room.
Betty sets the sleepy Ella in her crib and then walks out to greet her sister, Gerlda.
Aunt Gerlda shrieked “Its a terrible sight! Get it away from me!”
Betty holds the baby close to her tightening her grip when aunt Gerlda shrieked.
“I know! I can’t look at it.” Scott said.
“She’s not that bad. And by the way “it” has a name, Ella.” Betty said, now holding Ella even tighter. “And I expect a father to care more about his child.”
“You expect me to care about my child when...when she’s different.” Scott said.
“Yes.” Betty said. Then she turned and went to her room.
Betty changed Ella’s diaper and put her in pyjamas when aunt Gerlda walked in to the room.
“You should give it to the orphanage. Thats what I would do.” Aunt Gelda said.
“Her, not an it, her.” Betty said calmly “And I am not going to give my child up just because she looks different.”
“Well I would.” Aunt Gelda said.
She turned and took one more glance at Betty then walked away.
When Ella turned two, the people found two names for Ella’s different hair, yellow or blond. They had also found a name for her unusual skin, cream. They called the yellow and blond and cream “colour.” 
If her parents bought her a light grey dress it turned into the colour pink.
“I can’t stand it!” Scott said.
“What?” Betty asked, brushing Ella’s blond hair.
“Every time we try to give her a outfit that will make her look normal to the other children it turns pink or another colour!” Scott said pointing at Ella.
“I think it makes her look beautiful.” Betty said.
“Whatever.” Scott said and then walks in to their bedroom.
There was a knock on the door and Betty answered it. Aunt Gelda was standing in front of the door holding a black wig.
“Gelda...” Betty started.
“I know what you’re going to say, but...” Gelda said.
“Gelda, I’m serious. This is the seventh wig you’ve brought us and remeber what happens to all the other wigs? They turn blond.” Betty said.
“But Betty, I’m sure its going to work this time, the company made it for me especially for this! Just let me try.” Gelda said.
“Well all right...” Betty started, but Gelda was already shoving the wig on to Ella’s head.
“Carful Gelda! Your going to hurt her.” Betty said when Gelda does a final shove and the wig is on Ella’s head. 
The wig starts to have blond streaks in it and after a minute all the black is gone and a blond wig is all that is left.
“See, Gelda?” Betty said impatient with her sister “I told you this is what was going to happen.”
“Yes, I see. I just wanted to help.” Gelda said.
“Please go, Gelda.” Betty said.
“But...” Gelda started.
“Now.” Betty said, holding open the door.
“Mama!” Ella shrieked. “Mama!”
“Yes, dear.” Betty said.
“Mama!” Ella shrieked again.
“See you later, Gelda.” Betty said pushing Gelda out of the door. “Bye.” And then Betty slams the door closed.
Ella holds up the brush “Mama!”
Betty resumed to brushing Ella’s hair “If only you weren’t so different.” Betty sighed.

Another Story I Wrote!




Once upon a time, 150 years ago, all people and dragons were friends. Dragons and people helped others. But one day, a girl and a boy, fought about who’s dragon was better. This news grew that these two were fighting so everybody joined. A war started across the land. There was good dragons and bad dragons and if you had a good dragon, you were on the good side, if you had a bad dragon, you were on the bad side, but truly they were all evil. Good seemed to win a lot, but evil always got them back for what good did to them. Now, 150 years later, the war has not ended...and this is were are story starts...

Derek And Eliza

The Dream Dragon lightened the sky.
“DREAMS!” Derek yelled.
The Dream Dragon sprayed some white smoke that runned in to the chimneys of houses.
Derek looked around in shock.
“Get out of here, Eliza.” he hissed.
The dragons looked at each other and let out puffs of black and white smoke. Derek stood on his dragon. He grabbed the sword dangling at his side and held it up.
“I said, get out of here.” Derek hissed.
Eliza looked up at Derek, her icy blue eyes staring him in the eye, “Get ‘em Nightfire.”
Nightfire’s eyes lit up and he blew black fire, which Derek and his dragon avoided.
“Fine then, thats how we’ll play it. Get them Darcy!” Derek shouted.
Darcy blew a puff of black fire and hit Darcy on the wing, which was now in flames. Darcy waved the flames off and shot her fire at Darcy. Darcy flied downward, avoiding Darcy’s blow, shooting Derek off his back.
“Go, Darcy, go!” Eliza said.
Nightfire and Eliza speeded down and caught Derek and fly off leaving Darcy alone.
“LET GO OF ME!” Derek screamed.
“OK.” Eliza said, Nightfire turning over.
Derek starts to fall in to a canyon.
“HELLLLLLP!” he screamed.
Nightfire shoots down and catches Derek. Derek looks at Eliza grumpily.
“You all most killed me.” he grumbles.
“But I didn’t.” Eliza said.”Faster, Nightfire. I can’t wait to show father that I finally caught someone from the good side.”
“This is the first time you’ve caught someone from the good side?” Derek said unimpressed.
“Quiet!” Eliza snapped. “You’re the one that got caught.”
Derek’s cheeks flushed pink. Nightfire landed on a cliff edge and put his wing down.
“Ladies first.” Derek said.
Eliza grabbed the collar of Derek’s armour. “Don’t call me a Lady.” and with that, Eliza pushed Derek down the wing of Nightfire.

A Story I've Wrote!



Every year on September 1st, the Spy Kids mailing committee, mails 18 kids, 9 are girls, 9 are boys. The mailing committee only calls on the best to be in the Spy Kids program.
“What are the names of the kids, Rolando?” the Headmaster asked.
The Headmaster was a tall man dressed in white head to toe. He had a long white beard and white hair, and icy blue eyes.
“The boys are, Nick, Chris, Aaron, Blake, Malcolm, Kyle, Xavier, Seth, and Dominic.” Rolando said, looking at his scroll that had the names of the children.
Rolando was a bit on the short side and had a black goatee. His black hair was slicked back and he had a frown on his face at all times.
“Yes, all right. The girls?” the Headmaster asked.
“The girls names are, Annita, Jessica, Heidi , Sarah, Clarissa, Bridget, Neshia , Paige, and Tabitha.” Rolando said, reading the girl names on the scroll
“Hmmm...” the Headmaster said, lost in thought. “sounds like a good group of kids.”
“Yes, sir.” Rolando said “The messengers outdid there selves.”
Yes, indeed. Can I see the files of the children?”
“Here, sir.”
Rolando passed the Headmaster the files. The files had information and a picture of the child.
The Headmaster handed Rolando the files.
“You may leave.” the Headmaster said.
“Yes, sir.” Rolando said, bowing. Then Rolando scurried out of the room.

The new spy kids walked through the front gates of the big castle. There were Professors that used to be spy’s down the sides by the walls and the Headmaster was in the middle. The kids were whispering to each other when the Headmaster spoke.
“Welcome, children.” his voice boomed. “I would like to split you in to boys and girls groups.”
He looked at the scroll. “Nick and Annita.” the Headmaster pointed for Nick to go on his left and Annita to his right. “Chris and Jessica.” he pointed to the left and right. “Aaron and Heidi, Blake and Sarah, Malcolm and Clarissa, Kyle and Bridget, Xavier and Neshia, Seth and Paige, and last, Dominic and Tabitha.”
Now all the kids were in groups of girls and boys.
“Follow me.” the Headmaster said, gesturing for the children to follow him.
The Headmaster lead them down a long hall. The children gazed at the pictures. There were pictures of spy’s and Professors. The Professors followed behind the children to see that they didn’t sneak out all though that was quite unlikely. They reached the end of the hall. There were big doors in front with sword carved in to each side. The handles were real gold. The Headmaster gestured to some Professors to open the door, and two Professors walked over and opened the door.
“He’s lazy, isn’t he?” Chris whispered.
“He’s not lazy.” Annita snapped. “He’s just old.”
The children all gasped when the Professors opened the door. There were to large tables and two big bench’s on either sides of them. Up by the front of the room there was another large table with chairs behind it, the middle chair was the largest. Hanging above two of the tables were two colourful banners, one said GIRLS and the other, BOYS. The Headmaster pushed the boys to the table with the banner BOYS, and the girls with the one that said GIRLS. All the kids sat down. The Headmaster and the Professors went to the table in the front and sat down in there chairs. The Headmaster sat in the biggest one.
“Welcome to you’re first year new students.” the Headmaster shouted. “Second year students, please come down.”
9 boys came down the left hand side stairs, and 9 girls came down the right hand side stairs.
“Third year.” the Headmaster shouted.
18 boys and girls came down the stairs.
“Fourth year, fifth year, sixth year, seventh year, and ninth year.”
Now that there were 162 boys and girls in the room, chatter filled the room and erased the silence.
“SILENCE!” the Headmaster boomed, and everybody silenced immediately. “New girl students will go with Professor Helvetica after we are done with the rules to assign you in to groups of three and to be given you’re colour.”
A Professor in purple robes who must of been Professor Helvetica, stood up, then sat back down again.
“And new boy students will go with Professor Hector.”
Professor Hector, who was in blue robes, stood up then sat down again.
“That is the boys side and that is the girls side.” the Headmaster said, pointing to the stairways. “There are 54 rooms in this castle and each group of three, 27 in the boys dormitory and 27 in the girls. You will get you’re colour and you will be called by that colour, for example I was called White when I was a student and Professor Bacsten was called Green.”
Professor Bacsten, who was wearing green robes, smiled.
“We don’t want to have to deal with fights and floor five is off limits.” the Headmaster continued.
A person that had grey hair put up in to a tight bun and brown robes stood up. “Remember to tell them to be clean, White.”
“Oh, yes. This is our castle cleaner, Rudy. Keep pretty clean, or else Rudy gets grumpy and she might not even clean you’re room!”
The kids nodded there heads then went back to fiddling there thumbs or wiggling there toes or quietly talking to there neighbour.
“Now new girl students go with Professor Helvetica, and new boy students go with Professor Hector, and the rest of you back to you’re rooms.”
The second years students and the older ones left back to there rooms and the new boy and girl students jumped out of there seat and rushed to there Professor.
“Follow me, girls.” Professor Helvetica said.
“Come, boys.” Professor Hector said.
The new students followed there Professors, who walked up spiralling stairs.

Once the girls reached Professor Helvetica’s classroom they all sat down on some chairs and Professor Helvetica headed to the front of the classroom.
“Annita Wilson.” Professor Helvetica said, reading a envelope that she picked from a colourful box beside her.
Annita stood up. She was a tall girl with long white-blond hair. Annita strutted to the front of the room and stood beside Professor Helvetica.
Professor Helvetica opened the envelope and read, “Black.”
In black ink and messy handwriting, the word “BLACK” appeared above Annita’s head. Annita was dressed in a Black long sleeved shirt and in a black skirt and a black streak zoomed across her white-blond hair.
“Wow!” Annita said, running her finger across the black streak, awe struck.
“Yes. Now back in to you’re chair.” Professor Helvetica said, pushing Annita back to her chair.
Professor Helvetica picked another envelope. “Neshia Merton.”
Neshia stood up. She had black hair in a loose ponytail with pieces of hair falling out.
Professor Helvetica read the letter, “White.”
The same thing that happened to Annita happened to Neshia, except in white. After it was done Neshia sat down again.
“Tabitha Taggert.” Professor Helvetica said.
Tabitha now stood up. She, like Neshia, had black hair.
Professor Helvetica opened the envelope. “Grey.”
Tabitha was clothed in grey and given a grey streak. Tabitha sat down again.
“That is our first group.” Professor Helvetica said.
“May we go now, Professor?” Annita asked sweetly.
“Not yet, dear.” Professor Helvetica said. “You go once everybody has a colour.”
Professor Hector led the new boys up the left hand stairs.
“You boys excited to become spy’s?” Professor Hector asked.
“Boy, are we.” Malcolm said. “Right, boys?”
“Yeah.” the boys said.
The boys walk in to a room similar to the girls and sat down in the chairs. Professor Hector picks an envelope, and then adjust his round spectacles and read the envelope, “Kyle Zook.”
Kyle looks around anxiously. “Me?”
“Yes, you.” Professor Hector said, pointing to his right.
Kyle got up and walked to Professor Hector’s side. Professor Hector opened the envelope and read, “Green.”
The messy handwriting spelled
The messy hand writing saying “GREEN” appeared above Kyle’s head. Kyle clothes turned in to a green long sleeve shirt and green pants and black belt and a tiny bit of green went through his blond hair.
“Neat-o!” Nick said.
“Cool!” Chris said.
Kyle ran back to his seat and sat down. Professor Hector read another envelope from the colourful box, “Chris Wenzel.”
Chris stood up immediately and walked over to Professor Hector.
“Whats my colour?” Chris asked.
“I am getting to that.” Professor Hector said impatiently, adjusting his spectacles again.
Professor Hector read the envelope and said, “Purple.”
“PURPLE” appeared above Chris’s head. Chris’s body was swallowed in to a sea of purple, and last a pinch of purple was added to his hair and a black belt was added to his waist.
“Purples my fave colour!” Chris said, rubbing his dark brown hair.
“Yes, cool, Chris. Next.” Professor Hector said shoving Chris back in to his seat.
“Nick Vail .” Professor Hector read.
Nick jumped out of his seat.
Nick was covered in blue like Kyle and Chris and the hand writing spelled “Blue” over his head. Then Nick sat down with is group.
“Hey, Blue.” Chris said to Nick.
“Hi ya, Purple.” Nick said to Chris.
“Give a hand for are first group!” Professor Hector said, putting his hands together.
The boys clapped.

“Clarissa Plunket.” Professor Helvetica said.
Clarissa got up and started towards Professor Helvetica without saying a word, but she stumbled on her feet and fell on to her face. All the girls laughed except Jessica and Sarah. Jessica and Sarah helped Clarissa up. Clarissa looked at them and nodded, then she went to stand beside Professor Helvetica.
Messy blue hand writing saying “BLUE” appears above Clarissa’s head and blue is swallowed in to a tornado of blue. A long blue streak appears in her waist long hair. Clarissa carefully walks back, whispering to herself. Professor Helvetica takes another envelope from the colourful box and read, “Jessica Burgess.”
“You’re colour is purple.” Professor Helvetica said, when Jessica was walking to the front of the room.
Jessica was immersed in purple. The purple streak zoomed down her brown ponytail, and the purple messy hand writing appeared above her head
“That was amazing!” Jessica shrieked, and Annita rolled her eyes.
Jessica walked back to her chair beside Clarissa’s, with a smile on her face.
“Sarah Unger.” Professor Helvetica said.
Sarah got out of her seat, pulling her fingers through her dirty blond, wavy, shoulder length hair.
“Colour.” Sarah said impatiently, popping a piece of gum in her mouth.
Professor Helvetica opened the envelope, “Pink.”
The same messy hand writing spelled the word “PINK” above Sarah’s head. Instead of a shirt and skirt, Sarah got a knee length dress and elbow length sleeves
“Beautiful.” Sarah murmured, examining her pink dress.
Sarah sat down beside Clarissa because she thought Jessica would be really noisy.
“Group two is finished! One more to go.” Professor Helvetica exclaimed.

“Group two.” Professor Hector murmured, sticking his hand in the colourful box. “Xavier Graff.”
Xavier was tall and had messy dark brown hair and large emerald green eyes.
“ORANGE” appeared above Xavier’s head, and Xavier was given a orange suit and a black belt and a bit of orange in his dark brown hair. Xavier sat back down without saying a word.
“Aaron Salzar. That’s not a very good spy name, Aaron?” Professor Hector said.
“Short for Armando.” Aaron said, standing up.
“That’s a better spy name.” Professor Hector said. “Yellow.”
The word “YELLOW” Glowed bright above Armando’s head. Armando was given his yellow outfit, then he sat down again,
“Armando’s a cool name.” Xavier whispered when Armando sat down.
“I know,” Armando whispered back. “I thought it was really cool too.”
“And last for this group, Seth.” Professor Hector said. “Now thats a name that will do good for a spy.”
Seth stood up proudly. “I know.”
Professor Hector adjusted his spectacles and read, “Red.”
The words “RED” burned above Seth’s head and a red tornado swallowed Seth up and he came out of the tornado in red clothes a black belt and a pinch of red in his hair.
“Group 2 complete.” Professor Hector said. “Now we are going to do this group quickly because we have to get to dinner after this.” Professor Helvetica said, pulling out the last three envelopes. “Paige, Heidi, and Bridget.”
The three girls stood up and walked over to Professor Helvetica.
“Red,” Professor Helvetica said, putting her hand on Heidi. “Yellow,” now she put her hand on Bridget. “And orange.” she put her hand on Paige.
The girls all transformed and sat back down.
“We are done! congratulations, girls!” Professor Helvetica said. “Oh! I forgot.”
Professor Helvetica snapped her fingers and the colour words above them disappeared.
“Downstairs we go.” Professor Helvetica said, and they all headed put of the room.

“My sister, Professor Helvetica, is telling me to hurry up on my spy watch, so I will do you last ones at once.” Professor Hector said.
“Your sister is Professor Helvetica?” Nick laughed.
“And your letting her boss you around?” Chris teased.
“She’s my older sister, and I want her to respect me, so I respect her.” Professor Hector said.
“Cheesy.” Nick whispered to Chris.
“Really cheesy.” Chris whispered to Nick, about to burst out laughing.
Professor Hector rolled his eyes then read the two envelopes in his hand, “Blake Cahill, and Dominic Voodsten.”
The boys stood up and said, “Colour?”
“Blake, white, and Dominic, Grey.” Professor Hector said, reading the envelope.
Blake and Dominic were dressed in there colour and had the messy hand writing write there colours above there head’s. Then they sat down again.
“Who’s the last one in our group?” Dominic asked.
“Malcolm Blackblood.” Professor Hector answered.
Malcolm stood up with a smirk on his face.
Malcolm was dressed like Blake and Dominic, but instead of just a pinch of black in his hair, he was given a black lightning strike in his blond hair.
“Special.” Professor Hector said, examining Malcolm’s lighting strike. “Well, lets get downstairs for dinner.”
The boys followed Professor Hector down the stairs for dinner.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Movie review of FROZEN

Frozen is about two princesses. Elsa and Anna(there sisters)live in a place called Arrondale. Elsa has magical powers and one day Elsa and Anna were playing together and Elsa accidentally hurts Anna. After that day Elsa hides herself in her room until she has to come out on coronation day(the day she becomes queen). On coronation day she makes a mistake and runs away and Anna run after her.

I thinks it is verrrrryyyyyyyy good movie and that you should watch it.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


I am so sorry I said I would post about my trip but I didn't and thats because I was more busy than I thought. I will try to post on friday thank you for your patience.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Los angeles

My mom and I are going to Los Angeles this friday to visit my friend(Lilah) and I am so excited!!! We will be there 4 days(almost 5).The weather there is so warm to it is going to be 27 degrees there! Why I am there We are going to the beach and the american girl thats all we have planned right now. I will back to post next Wednesday about the trip.

Saturday, 15 February 2014



Catching up

Sorry I haven't been doing what I said I would do: post every wednesday I haven't been doing that well:( I will try harder to post every wednesday just don't expect me to.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

After provincials

I COMPETED PROVINCIALS!!!!!! So I competed provincials on saturday and got nothing lower than a 5 I feel really happy because I got 3rd out of 4 people!!! I don't have my medal yet but I am going to post it when I do so please check soon. We also went to red robins right after that was fun too. the sad thing was that I was said to get there 2:00 so I got there at 2:00 but they were running late and got in the pool at 4:30:( but it was fun day. so that is what happened at provincials.
Pictures of me diving:

Friday, 10 January 2014


I can finally dive in provincials!!!! I am so excited !!  I will put what it would be in dive numbers at the end of each dive. my dive list is: Hurdle front dive pike(101b) back dive tuck(201c) inward dive tuck(401c) reverse dive tuck(301c) and front one and a half tuck(103c) and I can only dive 3 meter so this is my 3 meter list.
I am so excited!!!!
(I got the picture on the top from my groups FRASER VALLEY)

Monday, 6 January 2014


My family and I went to a play called seussical at the carousal for young people it was lots of fun. It was a doctor.Seuss musical!!! it had about 13 story's from doctor.Seuss but it was mostly based on Horton hears a who:
There was even the grinch in it for a few seconds:)
Doctor.Seuss was AMAZING he had so many different voices he had to do it was really cool and sometimes the actors would run up and down the stairs that was cool to.
so any way I really liked it it was AMAZING.