Saturday, 22 November 2014

My Art Shop!

Link to my blog for my new art shop:

And to my Etsy art shop:

Please check them out!


This November I am trying to do NaNoWriMo!

What NaNoWriMo stands for:

National Novel Writing Month

What NaNoWriMo is:

NaNo is a month where you:

1. Set a word count goal and try to write that many words in a month. My goal is 25,000 words, and I'm not that close to making it right now!

2. Try to complete a full novel in a month! I am currently on Chapter 10.

The book I am writing for NaNo:

Dream Haunters

Here is the summary:

Emily Williams is a normal teenage girl. Until her dreams start getting haunted by the Dream Haunters.

The Dream Haunters haunt your dreams and turn them In to nightmares. They're not oridinary people either. They have a ghost trait in them, and will do anything to make you go insane.

 How will Emily get her dreams back? Or better yet, how will she survive?

And here is the Prologue:

I run through the streets of London. I stop. Monsters everywhere. 'Help.' I scream. 'Help.' A skeleton with a long black cape walks up to me. 'Time to die,' he whispers. He lifts up his dagger and pulls it down in to-
I awake with a start, my heart pumping and my mouth, well, screaming. But no-one comes  to comfort me, except my younger sister. "Whats wrong, Boo." My nick-name, Boo. I love it. Its so adorable. I whisper, "Nothings wrong, Cupcake." We both laugh. Lacey, my younger sister, simply adores her nickname. Then her face is serious again, and we stop laughing. "Then why were you screaming?" she rubs her eyes and lie's her head on my shoulder. I stare in to her beautiful sapphire blue eyes. There shining, gleaming. There so beautiful. "I guess I just have problems, don't I?" I say, and Nia smiles. She hugs me.
"I don't think you have problems."
"Why, thank you," I hop off my bed and hold out my arm to catch Lacey as she jumps off the bed. I catch her in my arms and cradle her back and forth. "Now, lets get ready for school."
"Yeah!" she shrieks, and runs off to her bedroom. Lacey loves school. And it is true that it is more fun home-schooling. Yes, me and Lacey home-school. Yes, our Mum teaches us, Our happy and cheerful Mum- who is quite weird and crazy at times- teaches us, and she makes it quite interesting for Lacey to I to learn. And maybe even fun. 
Once Lacey and I are done getting ready for school, I give her a piggyback down the stairs and in to the 'Schoolroom' otherwise known as the living room. Mum is there looking messy and cheerful as always. "Hi, girls!" she exclaims. "How are you?" I roll my eyes. This is a ridiculous question that she ask every morning. Like, what could've we done in the last 14 hours? I answer still, though. "Good, Mum." And Lacey's high voice echos mine. "I'm good, Mummy!" Mum pinches Lacey's nose and Lacey giggles. "Why that's splendid, my dear." 
"So, Mum, what we learing today?" I ask. My cat, Eshter, rubs her head against my leg. I pet Eshter in return. My Mum pulls her round spectacles off her head and starts to clean them with her shirt. "Today, I'm going to tell you some stories," she says. "About dragons and faeries. And Dream Haunters."
"Dream Haunters?" Lacey tilts her head to the side. "I've never hear of Dream Haunters."
"And why are we jjust going to listen to silly stories all day?" I sigh. "I actully want to learn something." Esther seats herself in my lap.
"And you will. YAbout dragons, and faeries, and Dream Haunters," says Mum. "Once upon a time..."
"M-ooo-m..." I groan.
"There was a good Queen named Eshter," Mumu starts, but is quickly interrupted by Lacey. "Eshter like Emily's cat!" she shrieks. "Esther like Emily's cat." answers Mum. "Anyway, back to the story. There was good Queen named Eshter. And there was also a bad Queen named Vivian. These Queens fought with each other. There Kingdoms were suffering and dying because of this feud-" Mum was cut off by Lacey. 
"Whats a feud?" 
"A war, dear."
"Okay, where was I? Oh, yes! There Kingdoms were suffering and dying because of this feud. So Vivian came up with a cruel plan to end this war. She made a team of mind readers and people who could tell you what your dream meant, and she called this team 'The Dream Haunters'. So, one dark and stormy night, the Dream Haunters snuck in to Esther's brain using there magic and-" I groan. "What is it, Emily?"
"This story is boring." I pet Esther's head.
"Just listen." Mum continues. "Using there magic they haunted Eshter's brain, and made her have nightmares. Terrible, terrible nightmares. Eshter explained her dreams like this:
She would be walking down the streets of London, that is where she lived, and then would be surrounded by monsters, and one monster, a skeleton to be excact, woul hold a dagger and walk up to her, and when it was about to stab her, she would wake up." I suddenly gasp, remembering the dream i had the night before. The excact same dream. Or rather, nightmare. Mum continues, not noticing me gasping for air, "Queen Esther died because of loss of sleep and fear. The legend is that the Dream Haunters are still out there, haunting peoples dreams." Lacey shivers and Mum wraps her in a hug. "Mummy, do you think I will get haunted by the Dream Haunters?" I can see a small tear in Lacey's sapphire blue eye. "No, I don't think you'll be haunted by Dream Haunters, dear," says Mum, trying to comfort Lacey. "I'll be right here to protect you."             
I start running up the stairs to my bedroom. I have to learn more about this. I don't think its true. No! I can;t think its true! Just a myth. A fairytale. 
I think I might be haunted by Dream Haunters.

Will post the book when its complete!


This week at diving I did a front double of the 1 meter! It was really fun!